Typography & Visual Design
In continuation to the collective findings in Dark Data, I worked on a series of symbols and posters for the three defined categories.
Digital Exhaust
Exploring the new phenomenon around personal data anxiety, in which we are aware that we leave a TRAIL OF DATA EXHAUST behind and simultaneously feel as if we have little agency or understanding of how to control it. Fear and uncertainty of being profiled, rooted in both an understanding of our current technological climate and speculation of the future that will unfold.


Digital Architecture
As SURVEILLANCE INFRASTRUCTURE becomes increasingly interwoven in our lives, we need to critically consider power structures created by technology in order to exercise agency over our personal information usage now and in the future. If this architecture is left unexamined, uncriticized, then we are ceding a major part of our digital autonomy to businesses that may not always have our best interests at heart.


Quantified Self
There is something both deeply human and completely ironic about using the most advanced tools at our disposable with the goal of a more enlightened sense of self. The irony is as we aim to understand our humanity, we exchange our human subjectivity for computed and QUANTIFIED MEASUREMENTS. In contrast to earlier times, we are not being surveilled against our will, through the quantified self we are creating a surveillance that is much more insidious.


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