sinhs707Apr 30, 20191 min readECOSYSTEMS_AquariumUNITY 3D AN IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE The experience includes marine creatures like algae, octopuses, crocodile, snail, crab & fishes to...
sinhs707Apr 30, 20191 min readECOSYSTEMS_Aquarium UNITY 3D GEORGIA AQUARIUM, ATLANTA, 2oth March'19 I visited the Georgia aquarium during the spring break where I got to see all the...
sinhs707Apr 8, 20191 min readCCUnity_VR Aquarium SCREENSHOTS DEMO Thank You
sinhs707Mar 28, 20191 min readWonder Park CCUnity_Midterm Rube Goldberg Machine Goal: I am interested in making something that is a combination of dominoes and the Rube Goldberg...
sinhs707Mar 2, 20191 min readParticle Systems_UNITYFIREWORKS DEMO SNOWFLAKES DEMO LIGHTNING DEMO Thank You
sinhs707Feb 27, 20191 min readOscillations_UNITY Creating patterns/animations using Sine/Cosine functions in UNITY SCREENSHOTS- DEMO- Ripples Inward Ripple Noise Disco Waves Waves Thank You
sinhs707Feb 17, 20191 min readUNITY_ForcesGame Scene using Forces & Physics SCREENSHOTS: DEMO Thank You
sinhs707Feb 17, 20191 min readUNITY: VectorsCreating a scene using Vector3 SCREENSHOTS: DEMO Thank You
sinhs707Feb 3, 20191 min readStill Life_Landscape Jungle, UNITY 3D Screenshots: DEMO: Crocodile & Wild Bear: Deers Thank You