Building upon the Environments
Sweksha Sinha, Stephanie Murphy
GOAL: To critically consider the psychological relationships that people have with objects; how an interface creates meaning; how it structures & facilitates relationships; what an affordance is and how it affects usage & meaning.
1. Advanced AI megacity, named MegaPolis
2. AI devices to babysit your children, monitor your health and assist you with other chores as well- FRIEND, ADVISOR…
3. Longevity
De-stress device/ Device that puts you to sleep- PILLOW
We are proposing a de-stress pillow in order to alleviate stress in a population that is constantly concerned about providing for their family.
Context of Use-
Helps you to relax using a variety of strategies
Temperature Control
Pressure Control
Add calming/relaxing scents like lavender
Can be used during travel
Breathing Exercises
Quiet place to sleep, works as a stress reliever
Individual Device use device but could be shared between people
How to use-
Simply place the object on your head
Select how you want to be relaxed
Anyone & Everyone
Any one who is working, stressed, and tired
Sleeping Pillow Smart Bed
- Vibrating Sensations
- Heating sensations
- Slight humming music/sound: optional
Memory USB Device
We are proposing a memory USB device to in order to assist people in keeping in tandem with their memories and their daily tasks.
Alzheimer’s patients
A person suffering from Amnesia
Just an assistant who helps you remember your ‘to-do list’.
Context of Use-
Helps you save your memory to a secure memory usb device.
How can you access it: Requires your iris scan to unlock
Retrieve/Save memory through the electric gizmo.
Who can access it: 1. You
2. Family member /Trustworthy person
Memory Bowl from Black Mirror_Akrangel
Harry Potter

AI Baby sitters
We are proposing an AI Babysitter in order to raise children in a population that is always working.
Anyone raising younger children
Context of Use-
AI device/ environment will take care of younger children for you
Provide food and water
Dispose of waste
Provide a playful environment
Able to move around for socialization
Who can access it: 1. You
2. Family member /Trustworthy person

Wearable medical assistant
We are proposing an AI wearable medical device to in order to assist people in keeping in record of their health at all times!
Anyone & Everyone!
Patients given early discharge who need health monitoring.
Context of Use-
Uses sensors that record various health parameters
Diastolic/Systolic Blood Pressure
Heart beat
Pulse Rate
Automated SOS button
Connected to a chip inserted into the body
X_sensor : Connects the chip to the smart device
Detects Cancer cells, viruses, bacteria inside body
Remote Patient Monitoring Project mHealth & Wearables

Helps in detection of: CANCER cells in body.
Thank You