Version 1.0

Players play the role of ships.
They travel the paths (which is water) on the board game and interact with the various sources that are primarily responsible for creating water pollution.
The players have various options provided by the blocks in the game.

Reach the center of the board game.
The path through which the players(ships) sail is water. They make a conscious choice at each step.
Each block - You make a choice:
Stop to help in reducing water pollution OR reach the center faster/win the game.
Point system-
Players are awarded points whenever they make the choice to do something for the betterment of the water environment.
The board game focuses on sending out a message which talks about our responsibility as humans to help in the prevention of water pollution.
Colour coding the different blocks would help in understanding the game better.
Version 2.0
Based on the feedback received, to improve user interaction we color coded our board game.
Each color in the blocks represent the various options available to the players-
Blue - Do as directed
Light Pink - 2 choices
Yellow- 3 choices given
Red- Save an animal or cross the canal
Orange- Pick a card

• Using water (in trays) in the paths used by the ships (players).
• Building interactive installations of cities, farms & factories from which we would depict the dumping of waste into the water.
• Think a better metaphor about the end of the game.

Thank You