Sweksha Sinha, Quiji Zhao, Maximilian Klein
How does Fredd-i makes his decisions, how does he know what Julia needs and how she feels?
What tasks could Fredd-i take care of? (Less expected aspect of life)
How does the interaction between Fredd-i and Julia actually look like?
Julia is a resident of MEGAPOLIS, a smart highly-connected and sustainable megacity, founded in the late 21st Century. Julia lives in a one-bedroom studio cell within the city center where each living-cell is equipped with Fredd-i, a highly personalized, screen-based and artificial living assistant that is designed to support resident’s daily lives.
Fredd-i monitors and manages all appliances and systems within the apartment and performs all of Julia’s work-related and private daily tasks, as well as taking care of her well-being and health through the smart wrist band she wears.
SCENARIO for the prototype Julia has just had her lunch which she ordered from a nearby restaurant and is taking a short nap.
The AI assistant Fredd-i detects a virus in her body and sends an immediate warning. Let’s see how Fredd-i guides Julia through the process of eliminating the virus from her body.
INTERFACE: How does the interaction look like-
Julia projects whatever Fredd-i has to say to her through her Smart wrsit band onto the wall.
STEP I: Julia is taking a nap after having lunch.

STEP 2: Fredd-i send her a warning notification

STEP 3: Julia accepts the warning notification to learn about the virus in her body.
Julia has 2 choices now:
CHOICE I: In Depth Analysis of the situation
CHOICE II: Learn about the ‘predicted consequences.

STEP 4: Order Medication


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